UBPML Prozessbegriffe

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(see also UBPML Reference)




Terms To Compare

Token BPMLs (e.g. BPMN) (A) CM HIMS


A Step describes a Change (Transformation) from one Constellation (initial) into one or several mutual exclusive other ones (final). It is the elementary unit of a planned Change.

application review


A certain state of the system, which is described as a set of classes (i.a. a constellation) in a certain state, as well as optionally by additional constraints on these classes and their inter relationships.

there is an unreviewed application at hand

Step Class

Describes a set of Steps with similar properties, used in schematic descriptions (e.g. workflow definition)

application review (in general)

Activity Case in a template Activity in a template

Step Instance

A specific, scheduled or happened Step, used in projects or workflow instances

review of application number 4711

Activity at runtime (not modelable) Case Activity

Constellation Class

Describes a set of a Constellations with similar properties, used in schematic descriptions (e.g. workflow definition

there is (any) unreviewed application at hand

implicitly via artefacts implicitly via documents in template implicitly via deliverables in template

Constellation Instance

a specific situation

application number 4711 is unreviewed

not explicitly addressed not explicitly addressed not explicitly addressed


the purpose of a Step, connects two Constellations (the origin and the goal)

application review

not explicitly addressed not explicitly addressed Stage

Process Schema

Defines valid Step instances of a Process (by specifying Step classes as well as possibly additional restrictions)


Purposeful concatenation of Step classes


Set of step instances

Workflow Instance

Purposeful concatenation of Step instances, corresponding to a certain workflow


Purposeful concatenation of Step instances, freely defined

Process Step Schema

Generic term for Workflow and Process Schema, i.e. a Schema, which defines some set of Step instances

Progression Plan

Generic term for Workflow Instance and Project, i.e. any specific set of Step instances